Omi Princess Beef Tenderloin/Filet Mignon from Shiga region
Omi Princess Beef Tenderloin/Filet Mignon from Shiga region
Omi Beef’s history dates as far back as 400 years ago, to when distribution and livestock markets got a major boost from Japan’s stepping into the modern era. Business entrepreneur Kyuji Takenaka spotted opportunity in the strong demand for meat. Because of his success, he was hailed the (God of Agriculture) from the village of Ryuo. This is where Sawai Farms - home to Omi Beef -
is located. The cattle are raised in the heart of nature-rich Omi Beef country using traditional practices, and tender-loving care.
❑All cattle are carefully hand-picked and scrutinized on the wagyu cattle market. Only healthy cattle of the best quality are considered fit for the program.
❑Following traditional practices that have been handed down from generation to generation, the cattle are fed specially formulated grains, to achieve a distinctive taste that sets Omi Beef apart from other brands.
❑For cattle to stay healthy, they must chew on their cud. This process encourages the production of saliva, which contains microorganisms that are required to breakdown and ferment the feed, and, in turn, forms beautiful marbling in the meat. Sawai Farms select only good quality rice straw from Shiga prefecture and cut it to a specific length before feeding it to the cattle. The fiber in the rice straw is the key factor that helps cattle to chew their cud.
❑Omi-Hime Wagyu Beef comes from Black Japanese cattle which for the longest time, have been raised in an environment surrounded by the bountiful nature and water of Shiga Prefecture and on the pristine waters that spring from the mountains around the“ mother lake”, Lake Biwa. The cattle are raised under an original fattening program and the extreme care of the Omi Beef Export Promotion Cooperative Association. In addition to having very finely textured and flavorful flesh, what makes this meat distinctive is that its fat is fragrant, sweet, light tasting and melts in your mouth because of its low melting point. Omi Hime (Princess) Wagyu Beef is the highest grade of Omi Beef, where the meat comes from only heifers that have not given birth.